Explanation of
Mass and Gravity

Mass, Gravitation (or Gravity), and General Relativity
This website demonstrates that mass and gravitation (or gravity) are two similar phenomena due to the curvature of spacetime.

The origin of mass is the pressure exerted by the curvature of spacetime on massive objects. The mass variable [M] can be extracted from this pressure [M/LT2] by simple basic operations. It means that mass is not a basic quantity or a 5th dimension (x,y,z,t,m), but a 4D expression:
M = f(x,y,z,t).
Gravitation, or gravity, is not an attractive force but a pressure force exerted by spacetime on objects that tends to bring them closer to each other.
Gravitation, or gravity force, can be extracted from this pressure by simple mathematical operations: F = PS.
Curvature of Spacetime
In 1927, Von Laue, Nobel Prize 1914, devised that the spacetime curvature might be convex, not concave as Einstein thought. The Physics Community did not followed him but it seems that Von Laue was right. This leads to identical results because
Concave curvature + Attractive force ≡
Convex curvature + Pressure force.
For example, an attraction on one side of a sheet of paper (convex curvature) is equivalent to a pressure on the other side (concave curvature).
Unification of Mass, Gravitation, and General Relativity
Finally, this website unifies with great simplicity the Curvature of Spacetime, Mass, Gravitation, and General relativity in a common 4D theory compatible with the Higgs Boson. Unification of Mass and Gravitation, or gravity, also solves several puzzles of physics such as E = mc2, the Twin Paradox, black holes etc...
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